Monday, January 25, 2010

Why Do I Want To Be An Art Educator?

I want to be an art educator that's simple, it's narrowing down all the reasons why I do is the hard part.
The first class that I ever remember was in Kindergarten and that was my art class. I still remember her name. I looked forward for the days the rotations fell on ART DAY. Every since then I was hooked on Art. I knew even in elementary school I wanted to become an Art Teacher. It was those teacher I gravitated the most towards and thought the highest about.
Continuing on into High School my thoughts remained the same. The Art Teachers always stood out and seemed cooler than the other teacher. The Art room was always a refuge for me. I bonded the most with my Art teachers and I saw myself becoming what they were.
My summer were spent as a camp counselor at Camp HillCroft which had wonderful programs such as photography, weaving, printmaking, enameling and my favorite ceramic. There I developed an knack for the medium and when I returned to High School in the fall I took every ceramic class and sculpture class they had to offer. Which fortunately for me, my school had an extraordinary art program.
I have always loved art and art history and have a strong want to incorporate the purpose of art history in the classroom. I have always found that through the years my fellow peers never gave art history a chance or did and just didn't see the point. I want to start early with kids and teach the purpose behind why art has progressed and the movements which shaped the face of art through the years.
Children are our link to the future generation. I want to be part of change, whether it be in teaching new ideals or in the life of one child I want to know I was apart of something. This is my passion and what I believe in. Its an outlet to create ideas in to tangible objects. Art is limitless lets push this notion as far as we can.

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