Thursday, April 22, 2010

Creating a Digital Portfolio

Creating a digital portfolio can be rather intimidating at first. There are many questions you ask yourself before you start. Such as what pictures do I want to include, should I have a theme, and where shall I place my resume in the beginning or on the last page? These are just to name a few. I found this page that takes you step by step in how to organize your portfolio in photoshop which is great because it is one of the programs we have been dealing with in class. I can use this to gather all my photos and reconstruct them to have an optimal appearance for my portfolio. Click Here to check out this page. Another thing I looked at was a pdf file that asked similar questions that was running through my mind about creating my portfolio and gave some really great answers. I will definitely be looking back to reffer to his answers Click Here.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Creating Conversations

Looking through my classmates blogs the two I chose on my own stood out first visually to me. Once my eye was caught I read through the blogs to find a blog that interested me the most. For me I comment on two portrait blogs. I think what is was for me was the unquiness of the pictures they posted. They were both different then a standard portraits people would normally think of which caught my attention. For my classmate that was above me on the list I comment on the logo's because I really liked the websites that were used as inspirations for the project. I saw them as very useful and insightful.
I would use Blogs in an upper level class like in a high school. I think it is a great way for students to talk to each other and share information they have found whether it through their own text, pictures or hyperlinks. I would more than likely use a blog in a similar format with a forum like we are in this class.
Blog Sites I used:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Working in the Classroom

Since we now live in a world were technology is constantly evolving I want my students to have a strong grasp on to present their work in digital format. Ideally I would like to be teaching in a high school. I find that it some students who want continue you on in the arts don't a proper portfolio. I want to give students that opportunity to be able to present their work in a professional manner. On this page I found information on creating portfolios with Adobe Acrobat. I would use this education resources in my classroom to guide my students to organize their work digitally into a portfolio. Click Here Another great website that I really enjoyed looking at was the apple website. There are a lot of great things apple computers do. There were links on how to get funding for apple computers in the classroom which I felt was good a source for in the future id I ever need to getting grants for my classroom. To learn more Click Here. On exploring the last website I came across a blog that was posted on getting your students to think about historical thinking. I really liked what she had to say for I want to teach my students art history. I want my students to be excited about history and what importance it holds. Here is a link to that blog