Friday, February 5, 2010

How Can I Use PowerPoints In My Classroom?

So for my first lab project in my AED398 I chose to do a power point presentation on Abstract Art. I already knew how to work with power point so I didn't need to look up any online source to help guide me along. Instead I would like to talk about the importance of power point use in a classroom setting.
In this era of technology many of us have become more of a visual learner. I know I am. A power point is a great tool to give a visual aid to a topic you are discussing. Instead of just a dry boring lecture a power point can enhance the subject matter and potential engross the class more. You don't need anything too flashy but something that just gives that little extra oomph. I for one will definitely use many power point in lesson I give especially when it pertains to references of art history. It is imperative to use as a guidance tool.

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